

Pathology Tests Explained is the product of a unique collaboration among professional societies representing the clinical laboratory community. The potential value of the site was subsequently identified by the Association for Clinical Biochemistry (ACB) in the UK and then by the Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (AACB). With funding from a grant from the Quality Use of Pathology Program of the Commonwealth Department of Health, it has been able to licence the material from Lab Tests Online and create a site tailored for the public 'down under'.

The Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine is the major professional society for practicing clinical biochemists in Australia and New Zealand and is a full member of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and Asian and Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB). Membership of the Association provides both professional and individual benefits. The AACB welcomes graduates in science and medicine together with technicians, students and others with an interest in clinical biochemistry.  AACB launched Lab Tests Online-AU in 2007.

The Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ACB) was founded in 1953, and is one of the oldest such Associations in the world. Based in the United Kingdom, it is a professional body dedicated to the practice and promotion of clinical science. The Association has medical and non-medical members in all major UK healthcare laboratories, in many university departments and in several commercial companies. The links with its Corporate Members leads to a fruitful relationship with the clinical diagnostics industry. ACB liaises with and is consulted by many national and international organizations on issues relating to clinical biochemistry, and is the publisher of Lab Tests Online-UK.

The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) is Australasia's leading medical diagnostic organisation and promotes the science and practice of Pathology. Pathology is the medical specialty concerned with the study of the nature and causes of diseases. As a consequence it touches every facet of medicine. In fact it has been said that 'Medicine IS Pathology". The College has members in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

Independent, evidence-based and not-for-profit, at NPS MedicineWise we provide practical tools and information about medicines, health conditions and medical tests. We give individuals the tools and knowledge to help them make better decisions about their health and medicines and keep health professionals up to date with the latest evidenced-based information.

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Pathology Tests Explained (PTEx) is a not-for profit group managed by a consortium of Australasian medical and scientific organisations.

With up-to-date, evidence-based information about pathology tests it is a leading trusted source for consumers.

Information is prepared and reviewed by practising pathologists and scientists and is entirely free of any commercial influence.

Our partners in online pathology